Civil Litigation


Contract disagreements, breach of contract, and other business issues in KY, OH, and IN can disrupt your business. Contact us today to litigate these issues.

Unfortunately, disputes arise between business partners, vendors, and others. When they cannot be resolved there could be financial implications. In these instances, litigation may be the only alternative to settling your disputes. This will require the assistance of an attorney who has litigation experience and can help you successfully resolve your case.

In some instances, litigation may not be necessary. We will take every possible avenue to resolve an issue before court becomes inevitable. We know that every situation is unique, and we will take the time to thoroughly analyze the facts of a case before we determine that litigation is the only option.

While no one wants to litigate disputes, sometimes it is inevitable. That is why we take representing our clients seriously. We will review all the facts of the case and help create a court case which will help resolve the dispute and help you get the compensation you need to ensure your business is not suffering financially as a result of a dispute.

If you are involved in a dispute and you need a third party to help negotiate a settlement that works for everyone in KY, OH, or IN, contact Heyman Law LLC at their Montgomery OH office by calling 512-421-5222. If we cannot negotiate a settlement, we will be fully prepared to litigate your case in court.

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